There are those who hear us say that we are no longer under the law and they have a knee jerk reaction which leads them to conclude that we are saying that the redeemed sons of GOD are lawless. They assume that the only law that is applicable to men is the law written in tables of stone on Mount Sinai. This Mosaic law which they hold forth as a "rule of life" was not designed to guide men but rather to show them just how far from GOD's perfect righteousness that they are. (see Gal.3:24,25) The need of sinners is not the thundering threatenings of fire and smoke which emanate from the awesome truth which is inherent in that law. This law could only minister condemnation and could never make the followers of it perfect. (see Heb.10:1) Lost and ruined sinners need a power beyond that which such a law can provide.
JESUS CHRIST came into the world to save sinners (see I Tim.1:15) and HIS perfect work of redemption has accomplished that task (completely) for all those for whom HE lived a sinless life and shed HIS precious blood. HIS redemption cannot, has not, and will not fail in any sense. HE has purchased not only our deliverance from the penalty of sin but from its power (which is the law), as well. (see I Cor. 15:56) By HIS mighty power and according to HIS timetable HE brings HIS children out of darkness and the bondage associated with that darkness, by leading them to see HIS glorious light and delivering them from the bondage of sin. In the process of setting them free from that which held them captive, HE has wrought in them a new creation, old things are passed away and all things are become new. (see II Cor.5:17). HE writes HIS laws upon their heart, stamps a likeness of HIMSELF on this new man, and performs deeds of righteousness in them which the written law could never do. They are forever set free from laws written in stone or engraved with the pens of men and have been brought under a "new" law (principle) which guides and empowers their steps. "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death" (Romans 8:2) "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." (Phil 2:13)
So our concern as the freeborn sons of GOD is not "the terror of the law written in tables of stone", but rather, that we might honor HIM who purchased our pardon and set us free. That law which "binds" us is the law of love which casteth out fear. Those who must be corralled and restrained by the written law are those who are not aquainted with the REDEEMER. The New Testament is written with this new principle of law in mind. The children of GOD are exhorted to be obedient for an entirely different reason than those who lived all their days under the shadow of darkness and condemnation. We are admonished to love one another, not out fear of retribution but because HE has placed within us a desire to walk according to CHRIST's example. I am somewhat dubious of those who claim to be the followers of CHRIST who must be constantly hedged about with the dos and don'ts of old testament law, and also of those who seem to easily disregard the instruction of our LORD as if obedience to HIM is optional.
As the sons of GOD we are given the charge to bear one another's burdens. This is an awesome responsibility and an impossible task for the flesh to fulfil on its own. The LORD JESUS left us HIS example in this matter: " Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, ---- For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted." (Heb 2:17-18) As sons of Adam we are each one primarily concerned with our own burdens to the point of having little if any concern for the burdens which other's bear. The freeborn sons of GOD, however, are not to be satisfied with this natural tendency but have the exhortation and example of CHRIST to concern ourselves as much with the needs of our brethren as we do with our own. Wow, talk about mortifying the flesh!
Now lest any should feel that because of the failure of the brethren to do this perfectly, that they have reason to stand in condemnation, or to expect that others are "required" to do something for them, the scripture also says "For every man shall bear his own burden." (Gal 6:5)
A burden is a heavy load. Often the prophets of old spoke of having a burden from the LORD (see Isa.13:1;Hab.1:1; Zec.9:1;12:1). A burden of this type, which is a message from the LORD for a specific people, cannot be borne or shared by anyone else. But there are burdens which we are called to bear (i.e; share) with our brethren:
The burden of sickness and affliction. We cannot literally take upon ourselves the disease of a brother's flesh, but we can pray for them and minister to them in the midst of their trial. We can visit them in the time of their distress and encourage them to trust in HIM by our genuine concern. Some of the LORD's sorrow in the garden of Gethsemane was that HIS closest friends and disciples could not even watch with HIM in the place of prayer for a few moments and were oblivious to HIS suffering. (see Mat.25:34-46; 27:37-46)
The burden of the weakness and failure of the flesh. "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." (Gal 6:1) We shall probably all find ourselves in a point of failure at one time or another so, rather than rushing to judgement we need to act in a spirit of forbearance in order that the fallen brother be recovered. This is not about excusing sin nor counting it a light thing but has to do with the attitude we all have about our own sinful flesh. "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." (1 John 1:8)
There is a sacred trust which is placed within the hands of the LORD's church to minister to one another whenever any sort of need arises. Any sort of display of these things beyond those sacred confines is a hellish misuse of this trust. These things are never to be discussed with any who are outside of that fraternity and are not to be the subject of idle chatter even among the saints of GOD.