There is much confusion and downright error among many "would be" gospel preachers in our day over the exact reason and purpose for which we are to preach the gospel. As a result many errors have arisen and much man centered foolishness has been set forth as being the gospel. The LORD created the heavens and the earth primarily as an avenue of bringing glory to HIS name. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." (Psalms 19:1) "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. " (Rev 4:11) Everything exists for the purpose of bringing glory to GOD, from the smallest microbe yet to be discovered by man to the vast expanses and reaches of the universe which shall never even be visited by man because of his frailty and inability.
So too the gospel exists to bring glory to HIM who is worthy of all praise. The LORD told the nation of Israel, which was an Old Testament type of the true elect people of GOD, that HE would deliver them and bring them into their own land, not primarily because of HIS concern for them but, that HIS name might be exalted. Many people get sidetracked into thinking that this "land" to which HE promised to bring them is an actual piece of dirt located on planet earth. Some folks even think that there is such a place as "the holy land" which can be touched and felt by the profane and the godly alike. They cannot understand that this "land" which the LORD is here speaking about is a kingdom not of flesh and blood but one which can only be entered by the new birth which thing astonished Nicodemus and continues to be a mystery to those who have not been given eyes to see and ears to hear. What the LORD shall yet do with the physical nation of Israel I leave to the experts who claim to have great insight into these things, but we are quite certain that this Israel that HE is speaking of here is those whose hearts are circumcised rather than their flesh. This Israel is told that the LORD would take away their stony heart and write HIS laws upon the new heart that HE would give them. (see Ezek.36:25-38) Thus, the New Testament records this prophecy as fulfilled in the work of JESUS CHRIST in bringing many sons to glory. (see Heb.8:6-13; 10:7-18) The entire work of the LORD in the behalf of HIS elect is to deliver them out of bondage and cause them to be a testimony to HIS glory in the earth. To this end HE paid the price for their sin debt, fulfilled every jot and tittle of the law in their behalf, rose from the dead as a testimony of the hope of the resurrection which HE has promised them, and ascended back into the heavens to the right hand of HIS FATHER to intercede for them by HIS presence there as their MEDIATOR. HE shall yet return to this earth in the same body in which HE ascended to gather HIS purchased possession that in the "ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." (Eph 2:7) The scripture says that every knee shall bow and all the earth shall render tribute unto HIM as the sovereign REDEEMER. (see Isa.45:23; Rom.14:11; Phil.2:10) Even so come LORD JESUS.
So it is quite clear that the only reason that we are to preach the gospel in the earth is to bring glory to HIS name who is worthy of all praise since HE has "redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation." (Rev 5:9) HE said "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." (John 12:32) HE spoke this concerning the death HE would die but HE also refers to the lifting up of HIS name or HIS exaltation in the preaching of the gospel even as Moses lifted up the brazen serpent. If the preaching of the gospel is primarily to be done for the glory of GOD then it follows that:
We don't need to devise clever means of presenting this truth.
We live in an age when the vast majority of "preachers" think that the newest fads and gimmicks are useful tools in "reaching the lost". Many churches have become entertainment centers which are explained as making the gospel "relevant" to our day and time as if the glory of GOD is not "relevant". We have never been directed by the word of GOD to "reach the lost". GOD is able to "reach" men by the power of HIS HOLY SPIRIT without the ability of men and is presently doing so.
We don't need to resort to psychological methods designed to produce results.
Many think that they can reason men into the kingdom of GOD. Clever methods and plans have been been developed in the last hundred years designed to produce "decisions". Some think that they can "train" men to be "soul winners". The only ONE who can win souls said that HE intended to save men through the foolishness of preaching.
We need to clearly and accurately portray the work of CHRIST as the only means whereby a man shall be accepted with the FATHER.
What a glorious message of hope and comfort to awakened sinners. "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen." (1 Tim 1:15,17)