Dear Reader,
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please accept this as a personal letter from myself and on behalf of Grace Chapel Ministries. I am personally acquainted with many of you, and through means of these pages, hope to become acquainted with you all.
Our purpose in posting these pages is first and foremost to exalt the name of Jesus Christ. That name is a precious name to many and we hope shall be to all who read this message.
By the grace of God, we seek to present the gospel story dealing with man's ruin and God's redemption. There is but one true guide in setting forth this proclamation, and that is the Holy Scripture.
No man, now living, knows all there is to know about the Bible, so we do not claim infallibility. Perhaps from time to time, you shall disagree with something set forth on these pages. We urge you to write to us and let us examine the scriptures together. May we be as the noble Bereans (Acts 17:11), who searched the scriptures daily to see if these things be so. If we are in error, we certainly want to find it out. Perhaps God would use you to help us.
Please do not refuse to read our message, because we are of a different denomination than you. God's truth does not change and therefore is pertinent to all men.
It is our prayer that God's richest blessings be on you all. May those of you, who believe the gospel, be builded up in the most holy faith. May those of you who now falter at the threshold of faith, be given courage to enter in. And may those of you, who dwell in the darkness of unbelief, be brought into the light!
Jesus Christ is the need of every man, woman, boy and girl on this earth. He is the Saviour of sinners, the Bread of the hungry, water to them that thirst, and comfort to all who mourn.
Ever possessed of eternal being
Robed in light which knew no dawn
Long ere time had its beginning
Stood our God with glory crowned
There amidst ten-thousand glories
Lacking nought and needing none
He conceived salvation's story
In covenant with His blessed Son
Come ye ruined of the fall
Sing the song: 'Christ is All'
In that pact of free salvation
Christ became our Paschal Lamb
Slain before the world's foundation
How glorious that eternal plan
In the fullness of the appointed hour
Came to earth made like a man
Bore sin's curse, which was all ours
Satisfied the Law's demand
Come ye ruined of the fall
Sing the song: 'Christ is All'
Hanging there in shame and suffering
Not for crimes of His own hand
But for the sins of His own people
Given Him ere the world began
Tho tasted of death's awful ruin
When He stooped to salve our fall
Yet the grave could not contain Him
Who is Lord of life and all
Come ye ruined of the fall
Sing the song: 'Christ is All'
Now with the Father, interceding
By the merits of His blood
He cries not with useless pleading
To bring His ransomed home to God
In glories high above the world
Our King of kings is dressed
Before whom every knee shall bow
And every tongue confess
Come ye ruined of the fall
Sing the song: 'Christ is All'
Christ is All, Christ is All
Yes, sing the song: 'Christ is All'